IG: @ayrilsenna
Twitter: @ayrilsenna
YouTube: @SENNA
With a unique blend of hip-hop/rap & trap, SENNA is ready to change the Malaysian scene. Making his name after his first successful individual project 'Nothing to Lose' in 2014 (then 18), which quickly gained attention from the public, SENNA became the public's newest obsession.
SENNA continuously impressed the public with his latest projects and releases like hit-songs "Kamu Chantek” by Orang Malaya (I-Sky remix) as well as "Ada Awek" with A- Kid. However, as an individual artist, SENNA brings a type of smooth soulful new jack-swag unlike anything you’ve ever heard. Formally attached to music collective Krayziesoundz, he now focuses on being fully independent with no affiliations with any specific label or collective.
With influences such as Kanye west, Travis Scott, BeBe, J.Cole, Kendrick Lamar, A$AP Rocky, Tyler The Creator and Malaysia's own SonaOne, his style is comparable to none. He writes and produces feel-good music as well as "real hip-hop", spanning his demographics to the masses. His charismatic and appealing personality brings an intoxicating stage presence which fits well with his innovative and refreshing sound.
SENNA recently debuted his full length project named “SWOOSH”
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