IG: @c.h.r.i.s.t.i.a.n.t
FB: @theseira.christian
YouTube: @theseira23
Kuala Lumpur born and bred artist / producer Christian Theseira has been involved in the Malaysian music industry for over 15 years. He is better known for his music with RnB / Pop group Back2Basixx. The group was signed to Universal music in 2015 and hit commercial success with an AIM nomination for their first single ‘Senyuman’.
The band was heavily active in the industry till 2019, releasing three more singles and performing with acts such as Yuna, Usher, DNCE and others. After which they decided on an indefinite hiatus. The status of the band is currently unknown only with quotes from Christian saying; “We’ve been so active ,releasing singles, touring and performing we just need to take a break for a sec. Refresh our creative juices. Maybe write the next album. Just try and remember what we’re doing all this for”.
Since the bands hiatus Christian has channeled his creativity in to his solo project. Having previously released two singles under this self-titled solo project, Christian saw this as the opportune moment to kick start it.
Despite the infrequency of his solo releases, Christian’s last single ‘Hard To Leave’ achieved a few notable accolades. The song charted on the HITZ MET 10 for 15 weeks with a position high of No. 2 on the charts and was also nominated for a VIMA award under the category of ‘Best Pop Song of the Year’.
With the band on hiatus since 2019, Christian has spent the last one and half years writing and recording his latest body of work. A five song E.P which he plans to release as singles through the remainder of 2020, kicking it off with his third career single; ‘Pillow Talk’.
“One and half years on a break is a long time for me. But it helped me explore a new sound and really gave me time to think about what I wanted to say in my music. It also gave me some time to reflect on the state of pop music today. Everyone is trying to sound the same. Which is sad cause that means there is no innovation and artists are depriving the world of their authenticity. And don’t even get my started on the lyrics.”
‘Pillow Talk’ was the first single Christian wrote off of the E.P. A chilled, laid back alternative RnB vibe inspired by the midnight whispers of two lovers lost in a heart to heart conversation under the glow of soft moonlight. Christian wanted to emulate the romance of 90’s love songs through his melody and lyrics while keeping the music arrangement fresh. Bringing a slightly different flavour to current pop music.
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