Main image via NME
My Chemical Romance fans were thrilled when the band members performed at their reunion show on December 20, 2019 after the band broke up in 2013 and now there’s more coming!
The band just released a new video showing some cloaked figures walking in the smoke-filled forest with their faces covered in skeleton mask.

While the video might be a little creepy, fans are more focused on the instrumental track that’s playing in the background instead!
Fans thinks the band is teasing an upcoming song that will be the first song since the band broken up.
The video ended with “My Chemical Romance Stadium MK June 20, 2020. Milton Keynes United Kingdom” and will probably be a big performance that fans are eagerly waiting for!

The internet went crazy over the video and can’t wait to see what Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro and Frank Iero have to offer!
Are you an MCR fan? Tell us what’s your favourite song!
Info via Daily Mail
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