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life hacks

Do These 7 Things Every Day, And Mother Nature Will Thank You!

In conjunction with #EarthDay, let’s make some changes, okay?
23 Apr 2018, 02:00 PM

Main image via Pexels

#EarthDay is an important reminder for us to take care of this planet we call home. Over the past few decades or so, the Earth has been undergoing drastic changes that could jeopardise the way we live in the years to come. We need to be wary about the kind of place we will leave for our future generations, and it starts with each and every one of us! Doing these 7 simple things every day will help, bit by bit.

1. Ditch bottled water

do these 7 things every day, and mother nature will thank you!

Image via Global Flare

It’s important to stay hydrated, but those disposable plastic water bottles are no good for our animal friends and the environment. Just switch to a refillable water bottle you can carry with you. It’s healthy, green, and economical. So much win!


2. Dim your screens

Computers and tablets are energy eaters—their bright screens are a reason why. Decrease their brightness when possible, and turn them off when you’re not using them. Simple, but super effective!



3. Stop using straws

Straws are so light that they end up in the oceans and ecosystem instead of the trash. Remember the viral video where a straw had to be pulled out from a turtle’s nose? If this doesn’t make you cut down the use of straws, we don’t know what will!

4. Cancel paper bank statements and bills

There are plenty of options to pay bills online, rendering the use of paper statements obsolete. You can also request for the e-statement sent to your email, which we think is great. Imagine if everybody opted for this, a lot more trees would be saved!



5. Commit to using reusable grocery bags

do these 7 things every day, and mother nature will thank you!

Image via Thrifty Fun

It’s great that the government is implementing the ’20 Sen Plastic Bag’ and ‘No Plastic Bag Saturdays’ in many leading supermarkets and shops. But some people still end up paying just to get the bag, because they forgot to bring the reusable bag! Keep some in the trunk of your car, or leave it by your front door. This way, you’ll never leave home without it ever again!



6. Use less, reuse more

You can reduce waste by not creating it in the first place. Try to buy reusable items instead of disposable ones. Repair broken things instead of buying new. Do a good deed by donating unwanted clothing, toys, and other items to charity instead of tossing them in the trash.



7. Conserve water

do these 7 things every day, and mother nature will thank you!

Image via Green Living

Did you know that only 1% of the Earth’s water is suitable to drink? So, let’s use it wisely. Turn off the faucet while you’re brushing your teeth. Take a quick shower instead of filling the bathtub. Be on the lookout for leaks at home and school. We can do this!

Info via CNN and Girl Scouts

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