Main image via Travel Triangle
Travelling is, without a doubt, a great way to relax and have fun. But you never know what could happen, and the last thing we want is to be trapped in a bad or potentially life-threatening situation in a strange land.
Here are seven simple things that could help you out of a sticky situation while you’re travelling:
#1 Stow money in your shoe
Image via Option Gray
If you’re stuck in an emergency, the last thing you want to be without is money. Putting about 100 of the local currency in your shoe or somewhere else on your person will ensure that you have money even if you’re robbed.
#2 Split up your valuables

Image via Luggage Online
If you’re travelling with a group of friends, it’s a good idea to split items like passports, money and hotel keys between your party members to prevent all of it from being lost in case of a robbery.
#3 Stay between the third and sixth floors

Image via iStock Photo
When you book your hotel room, avoid ground floor rooms as these are easier to break into. Rooms between the third and sixth floors are difficult to break into, but still easily reached by fire engine ladders.
#4 Manage your allergies

Image via Diversified Health Clinic
If you have any life-threatening allergies, you may want to make it known. You could learn the name of that item in the local language, or carry around a card to inform people of your allergies.
#5 Save emergency numbers in your contacts
Image via Korea Tour Information
Even if you don’t have a SIM card or reception in a certain country, most smartphones will allow you to make emergency calls. It’s a good idea to take note of emergency numbers in a certain country in case you need help.
#6 Keep an eye on your drink
Image via Delish
When you’re out and about in a country where you don’t speak the local language, it’s best to keep your guard up. If you’re going out somewhere for a drink, keep an eye on it from the moment it’s being poured.
#7 Keep family and friends posted

Image via Liturgy
With smartphones and wireless internet, it’s easy to keep in touch with family and friends when you’re overseas. Even if they aren’t there, quick texts and emails are a good way to keep them updated on where you’re supposed to be
Now go forth, and travel with ease!
Article via USA Today
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