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Here’s How To Clean Your Phone To Protect Yourself From COVID-19

You can wash your hands but the virus might still be alive on your phone!
14 Mar 2020, 02:00 PM

Main image via Okezone , Twitter

Now if you’re not aware of this already, an average smartphone is covered with up to 18 times more bacteria than a men’s toilet’s flush handle… with that fact in mind, cell phones might be a source of transmission amidst the COVID-19 outbreak too!

here’s how to clean your phone to protect yourself from covid-19

Imagine touching the handles on the train, shaking people’s hands and touching the door handles that more than 100 other people touch a day, then transfer all of those germs on your phone and carry it back home and next to your bed…

It’s scary to imagine something we hold on to so much could potentially be a source of transmission, but we’ve got you covered. Here are the ways you should clean your phone to protect yourself from COVID-19:

1. Make sure your phone is unplugged and turn your phone off just in case.

2. Wash your hands thoroughly before you start cleaning your phone.

3. Remove your phone case and wash them with soap and water. Clean with disinfecting wipes if it’s not waterproof.

4. Dampen a microfibre cloth with soap and water and wipe your phone down. Make sure you avoid moisture in charging ports and headphone jacks. Alternatively, you can use disinfecting wipes too. If you’re using a disinfecting spray, spray it on a cloth first before wiping your phone. (Do not spray directly on your phone.

5. Clean smaller area like camera, ports and buttons with cotton swab.

6. Leave all the cleaned items for half an hour to air dry before reassembling them.

Some companies also released a UVC light device to kill “microorganisms that hide in crevices where cleaning wipes can’t reach” but some scientist are sceptical about its effectiveness to kill coronavirus.

here’s how to clean your phone to protect yourself from covid-19

Make sure you keep your phones clean at all times and avoid touching it with unwashed hands and leaving it on random surfaces! You can keep your hands clean but viruses can still live on your phone if you don’t clean them!

here’s how to clean your phone to protect yourself from covid-19

Also, remember to wash your hands as often as possible (scientist recommends a 20 seconds thorough wash with water and soap). Share this with your family and friends to keep them safe too!

Stay updated with the latest COVID-19 news here:

Info via Telegraph

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