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It’s frustrating sometimes when our favourite t-shirt’s neckline gets stretched out and we have to give it up and use it as a floor mat or something. But there’s a solution to fix that now!

A Japanese TV show explained that t-shirt necklines are usually stretched out because of how the weight of a wet t-shirt stretches out when we hang it to dry on our hanger. You can now fix it in three simple steps!

First, fold your t-shirt neckline in waves and hold the waves. Soak it in a bowl filled with ice water.

Then squeeze it dry while holding the folded stretched section and start smoothening the neckline upwards on a flat surface.

And last but not least, iron the neckline upwards and then dry it on a flat surface! Your t-shirt neckline will look just like when you first bought it!

Or instead of fixing the stretched neckline, you can avoid it by drying it with two hangers like this!

Definitely better than buying a new t-shirt and it works for v-neck t-shirts too!

Would you try this method or do you have a better way to fix it? Let us know!
Info via 5goup
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