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Out Of Frustration, A Girl Climbed Into A Claw Machine To Get Her Toy

She kept losing!
04 Mar 2018, 05:03 PM

Main image via Harian Metro

Have you ever played The Claw Machine? If you have, you know it’s pretty tough to beat. Sometimes, it can get really frustrating; especially when you accidentally drop your toy very close to the chute! But no matter how frustrated you got, we bet you never took it this far.

Tsai, 34, was seen climbing into a claw machine to get her toy!

Apparently, she was so frustrated that she kept losing, so she decided to take matters into her own hands by first trying to use the stick of a broom to get her toy. When that failed, she resorted to climbing into the machine to retrieve her toy. She managed to steal 7 toys in 30 minutes. Who needs claws or brooms when you’ve got hands, eh?

Eventually, the police arrested Tsai based on the evidence from the footage.

No matter how frustrating the claw machine can be, we highly doubt its toys are worth getting arrested for.

Article via Harian Metro

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