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This Woman Went Viral After Being Spotted On The Bus With Her Face Mask On

Got to do what you got to do!
09 May 2020, 07:00 AM

Main image via Instagram

You know that feeling when you’re late but you still need to get everything done before you head out from your house? Well this woman took that to the next level!

A video recently went viral showing a woman riding a bus with a full facial mask on and it’s hilarious!


A post shared by Shit Adelaide (@shitadelaide) on

The video was captured by a commuter in Adelaide, Australia and now has up to 70,000 views on Instagram!

this woman went viral after being spotted on the bus with her face mask on

Several instagram users even commented with hilarious  “captions” for the video. One said “when you’re late for work but you gotta get that 20 minutes beauty mask in!” and another wrote, “when even public transport won’t stop that date night prep.”

You know what they say, “gotta do what you gotta do!”

Do you know someone that would do this? Share this with them! #stayhydrated

Info via Daily Mail

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