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11 Super Annoying Things That People Do With Their Phones

Have some phone manners lah.
04 Jul 2017, 03:16 PM

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By Lea Spykerman

The smartphone has grown to be something many of us cannot live without—it is our calendar, our watch, our camera, our note pad, our computer. But just because you cannot function without a phone, it doesn’t mean you should only care about your phone and not the people around you.

We list some of the ‘crimes’ that phone-addicts commit, but may not realise or admit to doing…

#1 They don’t let you eat until they’ve taken 15,927 pictures of the food

Because updating their Instagram is more important than feeding your hunger.

#2 Talking loudly on the phone WHILE walking around the room

First of all, we don’t need to know that you have a dental appointment this weekend. Second of all, stop moving about the room—we don’t need the ‘surround sound’ effect.

#3 Letting a ringing phone go on forever

For the love of Justin Bieber. How many times must we listen to your “Despacito” ringtone?! Put it on silent!

#4 Chatting on Whatsapp when they’re out with friends

What’s the point of asking us out then? Go out with whoever you’re Whatsapp-ing lah

#5 Blocking the way because they’re busy reading something on the phone

This is a WALKway. It’s for walking. If you’re going to just stand there and stare at the phone screen, move to a corner. Actually, just stay at home lah.

#6 Reading Whatsapp messages from you through the pop-up notification screen so the ‘tick’ doesn’t turn blue

And because you don’t know that they’ve read your messages, they can pretend they haven’t and only reply you 5 hours later. 

#7 They never ever answer their phone

“Sorry ah, I accidentally left my phone on silent”, “Oh, my cat took my phone”, “My bad. I forgot to charge my phone so no battery ady.” Aiyoh, then why did you bother getting a handphone?!

#8 Hogging the toilet because they are busy playing games inside

Woi. Other people have toilet emergencies too, you know. When you’re done with your number 2, get out and play elsewhere!  

#9 Spamming group chats with nonsense

Enough with the forwarded spam messages already. Nobody really wants to read them.

#10 Replying every message with an emoji

The “thumbs up” and “okay” emojis are the new “k” of text messaging. We’ll have more excitement chatting with a wall.

#11 Forcing you to be their personal photographer while on holiday

Leave us alone and let us enjoy the view! We didn’t travel to another country to take your photos!

So, are you guilty?

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