Image via Shutterstock; Edited by HITZ
Sometimes, wifi is like your crush on social media—sometimes layan, sometimes tak layan, and it’s really annoying! How is it possible to have good wifi in the living room, but the minute you leave it to go to the kitchen, the wifi dies?!
Welcome to the dreaded wifi deadzone, spaces where your wifi cannot reach.
Of course, to avoid this problem, it helps to be subscribed to a reliable Internet provider. *ahem* unifi *ahem* Unfortunately, that’s not the only thing you need. Bad wifi joojoo is also caused by external factors… including surprising things like your mirror and even your fish tank!
So, how do you get rid of wifi deadzones?
#1 Move your router to a more central and open location
This is the most obvious step to try. The further you are from the router, the weaker the wifi signal.
#2 Choose a router with dual-band
This type of router lets you switch between two frequencies. If you’re far away from the router (i.e not in the same room with the router) you can use the 2.4 Gigahertz frequency. However, if you’re using the internet near the router, 5.0 Gigahertz will give you better speed.
Pssst: Unifi’s routers have this feature.
#3 Keep reflective things away from the router
Your glass of water, the mirror in the hallway, and the ceramic vase on the TV cabinet are ‘shiny’ things that reflect light… and radio waves, which can affect your wifi signal. So, rearrange your reflective décor and find the best placement for your router for optimum browsing experience.
#4 Move your electronical gadgets
Don’t confuse your router. Electronical items such as microwave ovens or any appliances with electromagnets can interfere with router signals, causing wifi to weaken.
If you’ve tried these and still need some help, you can check out the unifi Experience site for more ways to optimise your wifi connection!
Psst: we hear that unifi is also running a Pay Nothing promo!
From now until 31 December, you can get free Internet, and all you have to do is…
- If you’re a new user, who signs up for unifi today, you’ll get free internet until 31 Dec!
- If you’re an existing user, you can still enjoy free internet up until 31 Dec—just renew your contract with unifi!
For more info on the promo, visit unifi.com.my/campaign/paynothing.
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