There's a tonne of playlist generators on the web, but Boil the Frog does things a little differently.
Instead of generating a playlist based on your favourite artist, Boil the Frog has you pick two, then bridges the gap between them with 13 other songs. Think of it like a musical game of “6 Degrees of Separation”.
You start by picking two artists—one will serve as the first song on the playlist, and the other the last. With that information, Boil the Frog then generates a 15-song playlist that will eventually link your two chosen artists together.
So, the next time you’re struggling to figure out what to listen to, simply enter the names of two artists (say, Black Sabbath to Carly Rae Jepson), and let Boil the Frog work its magic for you!
Listen to the one we made below! We entered Sam Smith and Lady Gaga!
Source: Life Hacker
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