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Every year, New Year's comes along and people left, right and centre seem to be making resolutions. Some want to get in shape, some want to be healthier, and others want to travel or read or more. But how many of those resolutions are actually achieved?
We've found some simple day-to-day resolutions that you can follow, and it doesn't matter if you accidentally miss a day or two! These resolutions will keep you going through 2019 for a better you!
1. Drink more water
Your body will definitely appreciate more water intake! So have a water bottle or tumbler that you can use every day and fill it up!
2. Get enough rest every night
Most of the time, our bodies just need proper rest. Getting a full eight hours of sleep every night can work wonders on your body. You'll feel refreshed and have more energy for the day!
3. Wake up a little bit earlier every day
Let's face it, we all love our sleep and the snooze button is basically our BFF. But this 2019, why not try setting your alarms a little bit earlier so you can have more time in your day. Even as little as waking up 15 minutes earlier can make a big difference.
4. Go for more walks
If you're like us and hate the thought of exercise, we got you. The solution? Walks. It doesn't have to be speed walking or running or anything like that. Just a simple 10 minute walk every day can work wonders!
5. Eat more fruits and vegetables
We've always heard our parents tell us to eat more fruits and vegetables. This 2019, why not actually try it? After all, fruits and vegetables are good for your body!
6. Drink less sugary drinks
This one may be a bit hard to achieve. Without realising it, we consume more than enough sugar in our daily diet. A simple mindset of drinking less sugary drinks will actually help you realise just how much sugar is going into your body! But don't just stick to boring, old water. Give your water a twist by adding some tasty fruits to it - you'll kill two birds with one stone!
7. Treat yo' self
We're not talking about going crazy and treating yourself every other day. We're talking about self-care. Wash your face, take a bubble bath, stretch, meditate or whatever you need to to feel better. Set aside some "me time" to check in with yourself and make sure you're doing okay.
8. Call your loved ones at least once a week
We get so busy sometimes, we hardly have time for ourselves. However, this year, let's try to make more time for our loved ones. Family and friends. Set a time to call a loved one once a week and you'll definitely feel better on the inside!
9. Be kind to everyone

We're stealing Ellen DeGeneres' line for this one. "Be kind to one another." This doesn't mean you have to go out of your way to help someone, it's the simple gesture of kindness that counts.
10. Be kind to yourself
Lastly, this 2019, be kind to yourself. Give yourself a break once in a while. Realise that life does get overwhelming, but it's perfectly alright to take a step back for yourself. Give yourself compliments, tell yourself you're good enough. And most importantly, love yourself.
Happy New Year everyone!
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