Main image via Astro Awani
How do you recognise and show how much you value the significance of different cultures and backgrounds? In Malaysia, the answer is simple; by way of a public holiday!
Yes, our wonderful country does have plenty of public holidays. In fact, a quick look at reveals that Malaysia is ranked number 7 in a list of countries with the most public holidays in the world. To give you a sense of how far up the list we are, there are currently 195 countries in the world.
Yet, one has to wonder, how is this a bad thing? After all, all these time-off allows us to celebrate the most important days of our fellow countrymen (and women). And to prepare you for the coming celebration of Kaamatan, we’ve compiled a list of 5 must-do’s that you should heed…
#1 Immerse yourself in the myth!

Image via Malay Mail
Did you know that the Tadau Kaamatan celebration has a pretty amazing story behind it? According to myth, during a great famine, the God Kinoingan took pity on the suffering of the people and decided to save them by sacrificing his daughter, Huminodun.
Kinoingan then sowed her remains over the land, which then gave life to the first rice plants, saving the people when the crops were harvested. Told you guys it was an amazing story.
#2 Buy, rent, or tailor, whichever you choose, dress up for the occasion!

Image via travel 3Sixty
There’s no rule saying you have to, but why wouldn’t you want to dress up for this joyous occasion, right? Besides, it’s nice to show off that spirit of festivity and how proud you are of your roots and how much you love being a part of something bigger than yourself. Also, c’mon lah bah, these traditional costumes with their intricate details look REALLY nice!
#3 Eat some pretty amazing food… and some very adventurous ones

Image via ExpatGo
It’s images like the one above that reminds us that a picture is indeed worth a thousand words because just look at how appetising that looks!
The dish is called hinava, which consists of raw fish marinated in lime and garnished with chillies and onions, and it’s one of the mainstays in the menu of Kaamatan alongside delicacies such as bambangan (wild mango) and not-for-the-feign-hearted-but-nutritious butod (sago grub).

Image via Encikshino
#4 Be awed by the performances!

Image TrekEarth
No time of celebration is complete without some amazing performances and throughout Kaamatan, you’ll have the pleasure of seeing Sumazau, a traditional folk dance of the Kadazan Dusun people inspired by the flying patterns of eagles witnessed by farmers during harvest season.

Image via Sumber
Additionally, you’ll also get the chance to see skilled dancers perform the Magunatip or Bamboo Dance.

Image via Suara Masyarakat Sabah
Finally, on the last day of celebrations, be sure to witness the crowning of Unduk Ngadau or Harvest Festival Queen. This beauty pageant is held every year to commemorate the spirit of Huminodun.
#5 Be with family

Image via ShukurJahar/WordPress
All the fun in the world would be a lot less amazing if without the presence of a loved one you haven’t seen for a long time. So, this Kaamatan, make your way home to the people that matters the most in the world with AirAsia, the airline that harvest a generation of champions!
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