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5 Unconventional Ways To Overcome The Afternoon Slump

Yes, that Zzz feeling you get every afternoon
28 Aug 2018, 02:00 PM

Main image via Elite Daily

There’s nothing worse than hearing that morning alarm go off because you just know it’s another day full of life’s struggles. First is the struggle to get out of bed, then there’s the morning lectures or meetings. After which, it’s  every Malaysian’s struggle to decide when, where, and what to eat.

Sigh, life is so hard.

Still, that’s not the worst of it because come mid-day, the real struggle begins! You’re starting to feel a little sluggish in your movements as the first of the day really ate into your energy…the food in your belly also contributes towards that evil afternoon slump where our eyelids just start to get so heavy by itself. The urge to zone out or fall asleep starts to set in, and it sets in hard! But wait, you have things to do—you can’t afford to nap, so you’ll have no choice but try to keep yourself awake.

No fret, we’re here to save you. Here are  some unconventional but effective ways of keeping that afternoon slump away…

#1 Hit me baby one more time!

No, we’re not telling you to go all Fight Club on yourself, but just pretend like you’re in a boxing match and punch the air or a pillow till you feel your biceps burn and your heart race. And because your opponent is imaginary, you’re guaranteed to #WinInLife, simultaneously helping you stay awake and boost your confidence. Keep movin’, keep movin’!

#2 First to reach, wins!

When you’re sleepy, anywhere is better than being in the lecture hall or office, so find a friend—preferably one that can’t run fast—and race each other to the pantry or restroom. The physical labour and sweating will keep you awake. Plus, if you happen to trip and fall, the sudden surge in adrenaline definitely helps.

#3 Let’s duel this!

Nothing helps increase your focus and attention like trying to win a duel! So, grab another friend—again, preferably someone who isn’t as good as challenges as you are—and have a dance off! Or if physical activity isn’t your thing, you could also just stare into each other’s eyes and see who blinks first.

#4 For the Grams!

How many times have you seen someone fall asleep while talking a selfie or when updating their social media? Never is the answer. That’s because when you’re having fun photographing or talking to yourself on social media, you forget all about that afternoon dip in energy. Plus, you’ll be giving all your followers, who are also probably sleepy, something to see and read. Win-win.

#5 Be more than cool. Be ice cold!

We’re experiencing some really hot weather right now, and we all know how the heat can make you very lethargic and sleepy. So, take a leisurely stroll to the nearest fridge or chiller and get that blast of cold air in your face that’ll surely wake you. Better yet, reach in, and grab yourself an ice-cold bottle of delicious Coca-Cola and fizz up your afternoon.

Now that your mood and spirit are uplifted, you won’t have to worry about being unproductive at work or school, or missing out on fun moments with friends and family anymore.

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