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7 Tell-Tale Signs That You’re A Night Owl

Every night is a hoot night
27 Dec 2017, 08:00 AM

Main image via SafeBee

You’ve had a long tiring day, and despite already having 3 cups of coffee, you can’t keep your eyes open. So, you tell yourself that you’ll get that 8 hours of sleep everybody’s been talking about and for the most part everything goes well until you get home and get in bed. Suddenly your body and mind decide it’s a good time to be filled with energy.

If that sounds like you, then you’re a night person. You’ve also probably exhibited these 7 signs of being a night owl…

#1 You don’t have a problem being up early


Contrary to what people may think, you can easily be found wide awake early in the morning… but only because you haven’t actually gone to bed yet.

#2 You’ve probably been spooked out once or twice


The night can sometimes be full of terrors and you’ve probably been spooked by everything from the sound of a cat knocking over things to your own reflection in the mirror in the dark.

#3 You think about EVERYTHING as soon as your head hits the pillow


Regardless of whether at work or play, during the day, you function on zombie mode with only sleep in mind. However, your brain kicks into overdrive, contemplating everything from the meaning of life to what to eat for the rest of the year as soon as you get into bed.

#4 You wish you were a penguin


Specifically, you secretly wish you were a penguin living in the Arctic or Antarctic where the day and night cycle can be as long as 6 months, giving you 6 months to be active and then 6 months to go into a deep, long slumber.

#5 You’re really into thick curtains


Being someone that usually sleep when the sun comes up, you would assume that sleeping in a bright room is easy peasy. Wrong! You still need thick curtains that block out all light. Why not just sleep at night then, you ask? Because… reasons.

#6 You know all the 24-hour makan places in town


Staying up late means getting hungry when nobody is awake to feed you. Luckily, living in Malaysia means a 24-hour makan place is always just around the corner. After months of hitting up these places, you could probably be a night-time eating tour guide or write a book.

#7 You’re really good at keeping boredom at bay


Sure, there’s not much to do and not many places to go to keep yourself entertained when staying up all night. But that doesn’t mean you’re just wasting time staring at walls or listening to crickets.

7 tell-tale signs that you’re a night owl

With just your mobile phone and DiGi’s new Super Tererrr prepaid plan that lets you #JomInternet with 12 hours of unlimited Internet for ALL APPS and 24 hours unlimited calls EVERY DAY, you get to use all that time to learn new things on the Internet, or chat with a friend – or 24 friends all day and night!

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