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8 Things Every Malaysian Will Make Unlimited If They Have Superpowers

We totally want a power like that.
19 Jul 2018, 12:00 PM

Main image via Freepik

Ah, Malaysian practicality strikes again! In a world where people dream of having superpowers that let them turn invisible, fly, or manipulate time and space, we Malaysians wish for superpowers for the purpose of living our everyday lives. No big calling to save the universe to be answered here—just modest dreams of an easier life.


If we could gain the power to make anything we want unlimited, we’d totally use it on these 8 things…

#1 Unlimited parking


Lots of drivers, lots of cars, not enough parking space… every single time. You do the math and you’ll quickly realise why Malaysians would use their superpower on parking space. Or at least have unlimited luck when looking for one lah.

#2 Unlimited funds


No more GST! Woohoo! But everything still expensive lah. And c’mon, if you have the power to make something unlimited, you would use it so that you can have unlimited funds too.

#3 Unlimited stomach space


Literally everywhere you go in Malaysia, you’ll see and smell something nice to eat. Unfortunately, the stomach has a tendency to always run out of room. Pfft, so uncooperative. That’s why it makes sense to use your powers to gain unlimited stomach space.

#4 Unlimited calorie intake


With all that eating you’ll be doing, you’ll want to make sure get lots of exercise in—good thing you have unlimited funds to pay for the gym, right? OR you could just exploit that superpower of yours and make it so you can consume as much calories as you want without the consequences. 

#5 Unlimited chili sauce


Extremely useful when travelling abroad because the rest of world seems to be completely ignorant of this wonderful thing called chili sauce. Ask anybody that has ever stayed abroad for a long period of time and they’ll tell you they wish they could turn that one packet of chili sauce they stole from a fast food restaurant into a tub of it.

#6 Unlimited time


Whether it’s not submitting your assignment on time, not hitting the gym, or not sleeping, the most common excuse for any Malaysian is: no time lah. So, if you’ve somehow managed to acquire this superpower, do yourself a favour and make it so you have unlimited time.

#7 Unlimited public holidays


Malaysia is already in the top 10 countries in the world with the most public holidays, but as many of us will quickly agree, there’s never enough public holidays. In fact, we need 366 days of it. Yup, we created an extra day in a year just so we can have one extra day of public holiday.

#8 Unlimited Internet data


There’s plenty of awesome tech out there, but none are as portable and useful as our smartphones. It can literally go anywhere with us and allow us to do almost all the things you can do on a computer. The only problem: insufficient Internet data!

That’s why if any of us had the power to make something unlimited, Internet data will definitely be one of them. Oh wait, you don’t actually need superpowers for that… or even go hunting for some magical stones because Digi has a cili padi that’s got you covered.

8 things every malaysian will make unlimited if they have superpowers

Image via Digi

For only RM1, you can feel the heat of unlimited Internet at any time, any day, and on any app with Digi Prepaid Internet Cili Padi! #JomInternet with Digi Prepaid.

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