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9 Excuses We’ve All Given When We’re Late

You’re a liar if you say you haven’t used these before.
06 Sep 2018, 05:39 PM

There’s a quote that says, “Better late than never”. It’s quite common for us to be late for something no matter how hard we try to be on time. We plan what to wear one day ahead, pre-pack and even set our alarm an hour before the time we should wake up. But when all these fails, what we say when we’re late?

#1 “Jam lah!”

This is an all-time favourite. We mean, it’s not our fault that there are so many cars on the road, right? We can’t predict whether a car accident or road block will happen. It’s out of our control. Confession… we sometimes use this excuse even when there’s no jam. Traffic jam in our sleep lah maybe.

#2 “Stomach ache lah, teacher!”

It makes you wonder what do students eat that they get “stomach ache” so frequently. Teachers can’t do anything about this as well. Since they have no way of checking whether they’re telling the truth. Hehehe…

#3 “It’s my Girlfriend’s / brother’s / cat’s fault!”

9 excuses we’ve all given when we’re late

Sometimes it’s true when we’re ready early, but our lazy siblings aren’t. Sometimes it’s a lie, but it’s always easier to blame others. We have a feeling this is common among guys with girlfriends. “She spent forever in the toilet! Not my fault!” We hear you, we hear you.

#4 “The laptop lost my work”

An upgrade from the classic “My dog ate my work”. This legit happens! When you have an important deadline to meet, but the laptop decides to give up on life and bring along your UNSAVED work that you’ve been working ages on with it.

#5 “Raining lah

This is what we secretly wish for when we know we’re going to be late. It’s sort of understood that we have a grace period of one hour when it rains. Or maybe not…

#6 “My alarm didn’t ring”

9 excuses we’ve all given when we’re late

You wake up thinking you had such a great sleep that you got up earlier than your alarm. You check the time and your eyes open so wide because you’re actually late! Oh, so late… Since then you double check every night that you’ve set your alarm and that it’s not on silent mode. We feel you.

#7 “I can’t find the place. I also took the wrong turn…”

All who are working have used this before when they are supposed to meet someone outside of office. Malaysian roads are confusing, aren’t they?

#8 “What bill? What saman?”

9 excuses we’ve all given when we’re late

Paying bills are too much of a boring #adulting thing. It’s so sien that we just train our eyes to ignore the bills in our mailbox… until we lose electricity or the phone line gets cut. Only then will we decide to hunt for the bill in the dark to pay them.

#9 “No time lah!”

This is what you say when your family starts nagging you on whether you’ve paid the bills. Padahal you had tons of time to watch that TV series, play videogame, bake and the list goes on. No time indeed. Who has time to do such a time-consuming thing like paying bills?

Well, don’t you worry! With JomPAY, you can now pay bills the easy way! It’s easy, fast and convenient. You won’t have to crack your head for new excuses, wait in line or bank in cheques. You can pay everything online with just a click of a button.

What’s more, JomPAY is having a “JomPAY Like A Champion” contest where you can win a sexy MINI John Cooper Works, iPhones, and more! All you have to do is add JomPAY Billers as your “Favourite” and start making JomPAY payments hassle-free!

9 excuses we’ve all given when we’re late

For more information, click here.

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