Main image via Daily Mail
With COVID-19 cases on the rise in a number of countries, many hospitals are running low on ventilators and medical equipment, and this woman decided to make a sacrifice for the younger generation.

A 90-year-old woman named Suzanne Hoylaerts in Belgium was tested positive for COVID-19 and was recently hospitalized… but her condition continued to deteriorate.
When she was offered to use a ventilator, the selfless woman refused to use it and instead told the doctors to “keep this for the younger” patients.
She told the doctors, “I don't want to use artificial respiration. Save it for younger patients. I already had a good life” and sadly, she passed two days later.

Suzanna was hospitalised after she suffered a lost in appetite and difficulty breathing, and was placed in isolation before she passed.
Her heartbroken daughter Judith said, “I can't say goodbye to her, and I don't even have a chance to attend her funeral.”
The family said that Suzanne complied with the lockdown measures in Belgium and stayed at home, and they were in disbelief when they found out she was tested positive for the virus.
Many countries are now running low on ventilators after seeing an increase in COVID-19 cases and Belgium recently reported the death of the youngest victim in Europe, a 12-year-old Belgian girl.

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Info via Daily Mail
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