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‘Chup-ing’ Parking With Cones Illegally Will Cost You RM2,000 Or Up To Six Months In Jail

This includes “human parkers” too!
05 Jul 2019, 08:50 PM

Main image via The Star + Facebook

Imagine this, you’ve been driving around for ages and you’re struggling to find a parking spot in the unending jam. And just when you think you see a parking, you get closer only to find a cone, or chair or even a flowerpot in your spot.

We’ve been in this situation multiple times, and we’re sure you have too.


Fortunately, there’s something you can do about that now.

Recently, the Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan Malaysia (JPJ)’s Facebook page decided to remind the public and reiterate that the act of illegally “chup-ing” a parking spot is an offence under Section 50(3) Road Transport Act 1987.

This includes placing a chair, cone, motorbike, flowerpot, clothes rack and more. The Act even covers those inconsiderate “human parkers” who like to stand in the parking lot while waiting for their car to come.

‘chup-ing’ parking with cones illegally will cost you rm2,000 or up to six months in jailImage via PDRM Facebook

However, this law does not affect those who have purchased their parking lots officially. This includes those who illegally chup parking in all public and private properties – that means shopping malls and even apartment buildings!

Under Section 119, those found guilty of the offence will be penalized accordingly:

First offence: A fine of up to RM2,000 or up to six months imprisonment.

Second offence and thereafter: A fine up to RM4,000 or up to 12 months imprisonment.

‘chup-ing’ parking with cones illegally will cost you rm2,000 or up to six months in jailImage via JPJ

If you see someone trying to chup parking illegally, you can make a complain. To make a complain, it’s super simple! You can choose to either

  1. Send an email to aduantrafik@jpj.gov.my
  2. Send a Whatsapp to THIS number

All you need to include in your message is a couple of details that include:

  1. Name
  2. IC Number
  3. Location of incident
  4. Time of incident
  5. Vehicle’s number plate
  6. Details of the incident – ie: what’s blocking the parking spot

Finally, there’s something we can do about those chup-ed parking spots! If you see one, be sure to take note of the actions you can take!

Info via JPJ's Facebook

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