Main image via iMedicalApps + mybusiness
We’ve all had to adapt to a new normal since the pandemic began over a year ago, and that includes working from home.
With MCO 3.0 now underway and the number of Covid-19 positive cases continuing to rise, we’ve all been advised to WFH for our safety and the safety of our loved ones.
Unfortunately, it seems not everyone is on board that plan and if you’re an employee whose boss refuse to let you WFH, well, now there’s an app for that.
A new smartphone app called Working for Workers, was recently launched and it includes a category to lodge complaints against bosses who are not allowing their employees to work from home during this time.
Following the government’s announcement that 40% of workers in the private sector must work from home beginning 25th May, Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri M. Saravanan shared that a nw category was created in the app to help reduce the spread of Covid-19.
“Workers who are forced by their empoyers to be present at the office are advised to lodge a report via the application so that the matter can be investigated and action can be taken,” the minister said in a statement.
Image via Working for Workers
Since its launch, the ministry has already received multiple complaints against employers.
“Findings and information from the investigations will be referred to the International Trade and Industry Ministry or Health Ministry to determine if there are violations of the SOP, or Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act,” the minister said.
He also noted that the new category was made available on the previously launched app to limit movement and need for workers to be present at labour offices to lodge complaints.
Launched on 3rd May, the Working for Workers app was made to serve as a platform for 15.7 million workers, including foreigners, to submit labour related issues.
There are 17 different categories of complaints in the app.
The minister also ensured that the identity of the complainer would be kept confidential and the complaints received through the app would be addressed within three to seven days.
Some of the complaints already made on the app include late and non-payment of salaries, termination without notice, and not providing employment contracts.

So, if you or someone you know should be WFH but isn’t… Here’s where you can go to lodge a complain!
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Info via The Star