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GF Upset That BF Got Her An RM2.1k Wallet Instead Of An RM3k Wallet

“He is so stingy with me”
20 Nov 2020, 07:00 AM

Main image via Get the Guy + Priceza

Receiving a gift is definitely something we love, no matter what it costs.

Sometimes, we get a gift that we absolutely adore and sometimes… we get a gift that we quietly put into the “re-gift” pile. But even if we don’t particularly like a gift we get, we’re grateful for the thought behind it.

Unlike this girl who was “upset and disappointed” for receiving a RM2,100 present instead of one worth over RM3,000.


NUSWhispers is a website that was created to allow people a place to share their interesting stories and confessions anonymously.

One girl took to the site to rant about her boyfriend who had apparently treated her so unfairly.

“Sorry I just need to rant,” she wrote. “Recently my boyfriend bought me a Louis Vuitton wallet which costs around $700 (RM2,143) for my birthday. When I saw the wallet, I felt really upset and disappointed.”

Why was she disappointed you ask? Because her sister received a wallet worth over RM3,000 from her boyfriend for her birthday.

“Because earlier this year, my sister’s bf got her a Chanel wallet which costs at least $1000 (RM3,062) for her birthday. Chanel is so much nicer than LV. Let’s be honest, LV is for poor people who want to look rich.”


As if that wasn’t eye-roll worthy enough, she went on to complain that her boyfriend would order food from cheap restaurants whereas her sister’s boyfriend would get her sister food from more premium outlets.

“And during this CB, her bf always order food from more popular restaurants like Crystal Jade and Paradise Dynasty for her. But my bf only orders food from cheap restaurants like Swensen’s and Ichiban for me,” she continued.


That’s not all.

Her rant continued by complaining that the monthly allowance she received from her boyfriend was not as much as her sister’s.

“Her bf even gives her $1000 (RM3,602) a month for her own spending. But my bf only gives me $500 (RM1,531) a month,” she wrote.

“I hate to admit but I really feel very jealous of my sister because her bf is willing to spend money on her despite earning just $4k (RM12k) a month,” she stated. “My bf earns at least $5k (RM15k) and yet he is so stingy with me.”

“Sometime I really feel like a loser… Why my sister can find such a good bf but I just cannot. ” she added. “Just because she is taller and slimmer, she can find a good bf… it’s so unfair.”


Wow. Just wow.

We can’t even find a boyfriend, let alone a boyfriend that would buy us food every day, give us monthly spending money, and spend over RM2,000 for a wallet.

Sometimes people just need to be more grateful we guess… 


What are your thoughts on the gf? Have you ever heard of someone like this? Share your story with us!

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