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It’s annoying sometimes when the person you’re going out with has their face glued to their phone and ignores you when you’re suppose to be spending “quality time” together. And this girl responded in the worst way possible…

Someone recently recorded a couple in China on a date that went horribly wrong. The couple was enjoying steamboat in a restaurant when they got into an argument because the guy was on his phone the whole time.
The boyfriend was apparently still on his phone while the argument was going on! His girlfriend then did the worst thing ever – she threw his phone into the boiling hot soup!
She stormed off right after the incident and the boyfriend was shocked at the turn of events. The waiter had to eventually help him get his phone out of the spicy boiling soup…
Now, for a case like this, we seriously doubt that sealing your phone in a bag or rice would work, especially since the phone was in boiling hot soup with oil for some time. But let us know if you’ve ever experienced that and safely recovered your phone!
What the girlfriend did was clearly not the wisest option, but try not to use your phone when you’re on a date next time!
What would you have done if you are in the girlfriend or the boyfriend’s position? Let us know!
Info via China Press
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