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Indonesian Teen Who Flung Cat In Air For 'Content' Has Been Arrested

Some humans are monsters.
18 Jan 2021, 08:00 PM

Main image via Twitter + Instagram

In an age where social media is king, people would do anything for content to boost their views, likes and shares.

But one teenager has gone too far and endangered a cat’s life in the process. Fortunately, that teen has since been arrested.


A video has been making its way around Twitter and angering many in the process.

The short video shows a teenager holding a cat and then launching the animal into the air, flinging it far away from him with great force.

Unfortunately, the condition of the cat following the inhumane act is unknown.

According to reports, the horrible actions by the teen - that took place in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia; was done for the sake of his social media content.

indonesian teen who flung cat in air for Image via Twitter

After the video made its way around, the Murung Raya District Police were able to identify and arrest the teenager and one of his friends who was involved in filming the act.

“The Murung Raya Police through the Tanah Siang Police, have summoned the perpetrator who threw a cat that has gone viral in a video, to give him a warning,” the police’s public relations representative told Suara.com.

The teen has since made a public apology for his actions on video with his friend looking down in silence and shame. The video was uploaded to the Murung Raya police’s Instagram page with the teen saying:

“I’d like to apologise to all Indonesians, especially the Murung Raya community, for the actions I did in the video that went viral on social media. I admit I’m wrong, I promise not to repeat those actions.”

In the apology post, the police appealed to the public to be wiser when using social media and to be kind to animals and not abuse them.

“We hope society will be wiser when using social media and avoid doing things that can harm themselves or others,” the rep shared.


This is definitely a horrible act by a human and we’re furious that people would do things like this just for social media content!

There are so many other things that can be done for content and they do not involve abusing animals or harming any living creature.

We didn’t know that this needed to be said but please do not hurt or abuse animals in any way. 

Info via Mothership + Malay Mail

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