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Mysterious ‘Creature’ Stuck In Tree Turns Out To Be A Croissant

“The creature! He’s been sitting in a tree across the block for two days!”
17 Apr 2021, 04:00 PM

Main image via Facebook + Cookist


A mysterious creature has been causing alarm in the Polish city of Krakow and the terror inflicted by the suspicious animal has finally come to an end when the authorities were able to correctly identify the cause of the fear.


The mysterious creature?

A croissant.




Recently the Krakow Animal Welsfare Society received a distress call from a woman who sounded alarmed and desperate for help.


“The creature! He’s been sitting in a tree across the block for two days!” she said. “People don’t open windows because they’re afraid it’s going to enter their house.”


With caution in their minds, the animal welfare officers made their way to the location to confront and hopefully, capture the golden brown creature that had been causing chaos.


mysterious ‘creature’ stuck in tree turns out to be a croissantImage via Facebook/@Krakowskie.Towarzystwo.Opieki.nad.Zwierzetami


When the officers arrived, they discovered that the creature was actually a croissant that had gotten stuck in a tree.


The animal welfare department took to their Facebook page and shared more about the hilarious incident, and noted that the misunderstanding was not an elaborate joke.


When the distress call first came through, the officers tried to gather more information about the mysterious creature. They asked the woman if it was a sick bird of prey or a reptile but she described it as a “lagun”.


The woman began to get more hysterical as the call went on.


“He’s been sitting here for two days and everyone is scared of him!” she cried. “So when are you coming for him?”


Z cyklu "Z pamiętnika inspektora" - relacjonuje inspektor Adam.  - Przyjedźcie i go zabierzcie! –  w głosie dzwoniącej...

Posted by KTOZ Krakowskie Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zwierzętami on Tuesday, 13 April 2021


Initially skeptical, the officer shared in the post that:


“Years of inspection have taught me that there are people willing to get rid of any animal that causes some trouble. Or just get bored. We had an old yorkie thrown into the yard in the evening, a seriously ill cat left in a closed transporter in a dumpster carport in winter, rats and hamsters with a cage thrown in the garbage, even fish in a street bucket.”

With this in mind, the animal welfare cautiously approached the location and found “him” sitting immobile on a lilac branch.


“His brown skin would shine in the sun, although there is some sort of collapse anywhere,” the post read. “We looked more closely – poor guy had no legs or head.”


The officers soon realised that the mystery creature was a croissant that had most likely been thrown out of a window for the brids to eat when “the poor guy got stuck in the fork of lilac twigs.”




Ngl, we had a good laugh over the croissant mystery! Kudos to the animal welfare officers for taking the distressed woman’s call seriously and investigating every incident that comes their way!


Have you ever spotted something mysterious that turned out to be something completely different? Share your story with us!



Info via UNILAD

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