Main image via Rojak Daily + The Crazy Tourist
First we were the fourth most overworked city in the world, and then we were the city with the lowest work-life balance; and now, we’re the second friendliest city in the world!

A recent study conducted by Big 7 Travel surveyed over 50 cities and 1.5 million people around the world to find the friendliest of them all. While Kuala Lumpur may have not come in at the top spot, our beloved city sits pretty at the number two spot.
As for the friendliest city in the world, that honour goes to Vancouver, Canada.
But being number two is still an awesome achievement, so we’ll take it proudly.

Here’s what the site had to say about Malaysians and their hospitality and friendliness.
“Malaysians are naturally friendly and nice to strangers, and Kuala Lumpur is the best example of this. The easy-going temperament of locals and their friendliness towards visitors means that it’s easy to make friends here. KL is a top spot for both tourists and expats.”
Image via Rojak Daily
According to the site, the study was based from “how easy the city is to navigate or strangers helping you find your way when that pesky roaming data doesn’t work to making new best friends in a local bar, these are the cities across the globe where you’ll be made to feel welcome.”
Other cities that made it to the top 10 on the list include, Burges, Belgium (third), Taipei, Taiwan (fourth), Hamburg, Germany (fifth), Dublin, Ireland (sixth), Christchurch, New Zealand (seventh), Nashville, Tenessee, USA (eight), Sao Paulo, Brazil (ninth) and Glasgow, Scotland (tenth).

It’s great to be recognized as the second friendliest city in the world! What other positive things do you think our country should be recognized for?
Info via The Star