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We’ve All Been Taught The Importance Of Helping Others, But Are You Doing It Correctly?

There is a right and wrong way to help.
CHUA, Phuay Khin [Jessica]
06 Sep 2021, 03:17 PM

How to help others correctly

Image via freepik/jcomp

One of the characteristics we should be proud of as Malaysians is that we’re a group of very compassionate people. Most of us are always ready to help, protect, and defend when someone is in need, particularly during this pandemic.

However, we sometimes overlook the fact that there is a right and wrong way of helping others. Here’s what not to do when you’re lending a helping hand:

Taking photos of the underprivileged

Of course, pictures can drive awareness and inspire people to help because it’s always a nice feeling to know that you influenced someone to do a good deed. But not everyone wants their photos taken, especially when they may be in a compromising or embarrassing position. If you must, ask for their permission first or choose an angle that doesn’t show their face.

Donating damaged or unusable items

Your old T-shirt isn’t going to do anything good—unless they specifically asked for old fabrics. And please for the love of mother nature, don’t give away your torn underwear. Always go through the items you’ve collected before handing them over for donation.

Think about who you’re donating to and cater to their needs. For example, would a homeless person find a blanket or perishable food items more helpful? If you’re still unsure, you can always ask the organisation you’re donating to for their wishlist.

Running from one crisis to another

We only have so much time and energy we can give others before we start wearing ourselves out. If you’re overhelping and overexerting yourself, there may come a day when you start resenting the people who need help because you’re exhausted. This defeats the purpose of helping others because you’re no longer being intentional. Step back when you see that feeling coming and find other ways to help.

Giving advice nobody asked for

When a troubled friend comes to you and pour out whatever they’re struggling with, they could just be looking for a listening ear instead of someone to tell them what to do or criticise their actions.

Before you launch into your own TED Talk, ask if they’re open to hearing your thoughts, opinions or suggestions. Don’t assume that everyone needs your unsolicited advice because some may prefer to figure things out on their own.

Delaying someone from getting real help

Oftentimes, most of us are just going through the motions and we don’t have all the answers. Acting like we can solve all the problems despite having the best intentions, can sometimes do more harm than good.

Don’t be a self-proclaimed psychologist, doctor or bank, limit your advice if you have no idea what you’re doing and direct them to get professional help instead. You also don’t want someone to become dependent on you to fix things.

Foregoing background checks on charity bodies

Unfortunately, not all charity organisations are founded for the greater good. In this day and age, anyone could have ill intentions when it comes to money. Some could be scams, while others could be secretly mistreating they people they supposedly care for. Do a quick background check before committing your efforts so you don’t unintentionally end up supporting the wrong thing.

It’s great that you have the right heart and mind to help others, but you should also consider how to help. Being kind can come in many forms, and one of which is to help the underprivileged through zakat.

The Skim Potongan Zakat Bulanan (PZB) Campaign is a convenient scheme that allows you to make zakat payments monthly or according to your preferred schedule. These deductions will be made by your employer, which will be stated in your salary slips every month.

Online zakat deduction scheme potongan zakat bulanan

Image via Pusat Pungutan Zakat

Why should I go on the PZB scheme?

Easy! This is the fastest, simplest, and safest way for you to make your monthly zakat payments online. You don’t need to go to the zakat counter every month because everything can be done online.

You’ll also receive an income tax rebate and adjust your zakat payments with your monthly tax deductions. The best part is that this campaign is protected by the Kafalah Muzakki Scheme with a death benefit of up to RM3,000.

Here’s how you can join PZB

Simply log on to or scan the QR code to apply online. If you prefer doing it manually, you can visit the nearest PPZ-MAIWP counter or call PPZ-MAIWP at 1300-88-5757.

From July this year until December 2021, join the PZB scheme and stand a chance to win prizes for those who are 1) new payers and 2) existing payers who increase the amount of their monthly zakat deductions! Each winner will receive one exclusive prize along with an asnaf product as well.

For more info, visit here.

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