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We Got Bored And Decided To Ask Google 10 Random Questions

Yes, we know. We need a life.
06 May 2017, 12:00 PM

By Lea Spykerman

What do you do when your gossip buddies are away for meetings and MC, and you’re the only one in the office on a slow-ish day?

It’s okay. No friend, no problem. You can hold a ‘conversation’ with Google like we did. And Google turned out to be a pretty entertaining buddy. Here is a compilation of the images that popped up when we threw random questions at Google…


Credit: Smosh

This IS pretty LOL. Two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly.


Credit: Whisper

Errr... okay. That escalated pretty quickly.


Credit: August Man

Eh, Google. This dude is NOT Malaysian lah. But just in case you want to know, his name is Sean O’Pry. He’s an American model and you may remember him from Taylor Swift’s “Black Space” music video.


Credit: Men’s Fitness

Okay, we love spicy food, but this is a bit too hardcore.


Credit: Buzzle

Ohhh… no wonder lah! Explains why girls tend to like strawberries more, too!


Credit: Pinay Cooking Corner

What is this Godzilla concoction that we’ve not heard of?! Or have we been living under a rock all this while? Okay, we did more research. Milo Godzilla is a mix of Milo, ice cream/whipped cream and marshmallows. BRB. Whipping up a Godzilla.


Credit: She Knows

Wait for her to make the big move instead? Okay.


Credit: Hub Pages

We were bracing ourselves for something really yucky, but okay. If you drive a car that looks like this, we’re sorry. Apparently, some people think it’s “the ugliest car ever”.


Credit: GQ

Oh, shoots. We’re in trouble now.


Credit: Etsy

Google, it’s not nice to call people smelly.

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