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23yo Teacher With Baby Face Often Mistaken As Student

Who would’ve thought that he’s a teacher!
20 Oct 2020, 07:00 AM

Main image via YouTube

Teachers might have mistaken you for another student sometimes but being mistaken as a student when you’re the teacher might be a first!

A 23 year old teacher from the Philippines often gets mistaken as a student because of his “baby face” and childlike voice.

23yo teacher with baby face often mistaken as student

The Primary 3 and kindergarten teacher, Ian Francis Manga, was dubbed the “Baby-faced Teacher of Bulacan” and is 162cm tall.

Ian said that he did not experience puberty but never consulted a doctor about his condition.

23yo teacher with baby face often mistaken as student

He was also mistaken as his classmate’s younger brother in school last time and strangers would mock him by calling him “little boy”.

Ian said "Ignore them but also prove that you can do it, prove they are wrong,” was his mantra. He decided to take the Licensure Exam for Teachers (LET) and became a teacher!

23yo teacher with baby face often mistaken as student

Only 27% of those who take the LET exam passes it and Ian is now a teacher at Mater-El-Roi School because he did! But despite his looks and voice, he makes sure his students take him seriously in class.

23yo teacher with baby face often mistaken as student

"I feel like an older brother to my students as we always play” but “when I'm teaching, I will become more serious. They also take me more seriously," he said.

"As a teacher, you need to serve as a model. You need to look the part despite being baby-faced."

23yo teacher with baby face often mistaken as student

We hope Ian’s passion and commitment never dies!

Info via AsiaOne

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