Main image via Info Roadblock JPJ/POLIS/Facebook
We should always call for help when we need to, especially when it comes to emergency situations like finding a snake in your house or a fire.
And an emergency it was for this Malaysian, who decided to call the Bomba after discovering a “huge” monitor lizard at home.
The bomba team quickly rushed to the second floor of the house to handle the threat… only to discover this:

Yup. The “huge” monitor lizard turned out to be a regular lizard that‘s as big as the bomba’s thumb, and the bomba staff looked like he can’t help but let out a laugh after they discovered the reptile.
In a related Facebook post that went viral, the details of the entire incident was explained:
Maybe this little guy really did look huge in the eyes of the person that called for help. After all, we tend to see things differently when we’re afraid… right?

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