Main image via Buzzfeed News
It’s mandatory to wear face masks in many places around the world to prevent the spread of COVID-19 but one bus driver died after asking his passengers to wear face masks.
The bus driver in France was previously declared brain dead has dead after being attacked by four passengers, three of which he had asked to wear face masks and one to show his ticket.

The daughter of the 59-year-old bus driver said that the family have decided to let him go days after he was declared brain dead saying, “the doctors were in favour and we were as well.”
The bus driver named Philippe Monguillot was repeatedly punched in the assault that resulted in serious head injury after trying to stop a passenger without a mask from getting on and asking another four on board who were not wearing masks to get off the bus.

"There were insults and then shoving. The bus driver was pushed out of the bus. Two individuals then violently kicked and punched the upper part of his body, including his head," the deputy public prosecutor of Bayonne, Marc Mariée said.
He was unconscious when he arrived at the hospital and was declared brain-dead by the doctors after.

Two of the men in the attack, 22 and 23, have been charged with attempted murder and another two were charged with non-assistance to a person in danger, and one charged for attempting to hide a suspect.
The family of the bus driver and thousands more gathered at the bus stop where the incident happened days later to protest in his honour.

"I will fight to the end, I have strength in me, I have almost no more tears," Philippe’s wife, Veronique said.
"I'm angry and I'm going to go. I am not afraid, justice is with me. The justice will help me to avenge my husband."
Bus drivers in Bayonne also gathered to visit the junior transport minister two days after the bus driver was attacked.

We hope that justice will prevail and the people responsible will get the punishment they deserve after their violent act.
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Info via Buzzfeed News , South China Morning Post
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