Grant Gustin (The Flash star) is officially off the market, ladies! So y'all can run the other way cause check this out...
Grant's fiancé, Andrea 'LA' Thoma, low key 'flash-ing' the engagement ring.

via Instagram @grantgust
Grant posted this #ADORB pic on his Instagram a week ago on April 30th, 2017 with no caption cause hey, those happy faces speak for themselves. *Cough* #DiamondRingBeTheSizeOfTheGalaxy
But hold up!
Did y'all know that Andrea 'LA' Thoma is half-Kadazan?!

via Instagram @lathoma3
That's right! Andrea's mum is from our very own Land Below the Wind, Sabah!
Uiseehhh, check out these sumandaks bah!
Ayeeee the #RelationshipGoals is real.
We can't wait for your wedding and rojak babies, y'all! ❤️❤️❤️

via Instagram @lathoma3
Cover Image via Instagram @lathoma3
Article by Ruth Kan
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