Main image via Bored Panda
It’s never easy to deal with the matter of life and death, and to cope with the loss of someone we hold dear to. This Disney animator however, finds out that drawing in his doodle diary helps to deal with the passing of his wife.

Gary Andrews lost his wife, Joy, when he was away for a work trip. What was thought to be a normal flu turned out to be sepsis (it’s a life-threatening complication of an infection). Left to care for their two children on his own, he began to vent his feelings by doodling…










“Blame and 'what ifs' won't bring Joy back. Would she still be alive if I hadn't been in Canada and a doctor had been called a day earlier? I can't think about things like that. What happened has happened and you just have to come to terms with it. I just want to move forward, to honour Joy's memory and bring up our kids in a way she would have approved of,” he said.
We’re glad he has found an outlet to help make things a tad bit better.
Info via Bored Panda
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