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RM5.8 Mil Apartment, Luxury Car, Gold Bars And More Await Vaccinated Hong Kongers To Battle Low Vaccination Rate

The lotteries seems to be working!
14 Jun 2021, 12:00 PM

Main image via South China Morning Post , Forbes


While many Malaysians are still eagerly waiting to get vaccinated, the vaccination rate in Hong Kong seems to be the opposite. But they’ve come up with a solution!


Hong Kong business communities are helping the country battle the low vaccination rate by giving out lucrative prizes.


The $15 million incentives include a RM5.76 million apartment, gold bars, a Tesla, smartphones and more!


rm5.8 mil apartment, luxury car, gold bars and more await vaccinated hong kongers to battle low vaccination rate


Companies are also giving their staff incentives like cash bonuses and extra time off, with one company offering RM4,500 to staff that got their shot by the end of May.


"The value of various lotteries or reward programs, we have learned from news reports, has exceeded HK$120 million," said Hong Kong's chief executive Carrie Lam.


rm5.8 mil apartment, luxury car, gold bars and more await vaccinated hong kongers to battle low vaccination rate


"We believe vaccinations are an important measure that will save lives and improve the COVID-19 pandemic situation around the world and here in Hong Kong,” Paul McGarry, head of Asia, Goodman Group that’s giving away the Tesla model 3 lottery said.


“We are grateful to be able to join others in taking the lead and further supporting the Government's vaccination program. We hope the lottery will encourage eligible citizens in Hong Kong to get vaccinated as soon as possible.”


Other lotteries also include prizes like RM10.6 million worth of shopping coupons, RM2.7 million cash grant, free insurance policies and even a private party on an Airbus A321neo passenger plane!


rm5.8 mil apartment, luxury car, gold bars and more await vaccinated hong kongers to battle low vaccination rate


The move to start lottery prizes came after Hong Kong’s low vaccination rate of 15.1% among the 7.5 million citizens fully vaccinated despite the vaccines being available to all adults.


The incentives seem to be working for the hesitant communities, and according to local media, there has been an increase in people getting their vaccine in the last week or two.


rm5.8 mil apartment, luxury car, gold bars and more await vaccinated hong kongers to battle low vaccination rate



Info via TIME , KITCO , SCMP

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