Main image via Pop Sugar , Gulf News
Italian recently recorded the highest COVID-19 death toll reported anywhere outside of China with over 1,400 dead. The Italians are now on lockdown and in this difficult time, they have gathered in spirit and lift each other up with music.
It first started with the national anthem, then more and more videos started going viral on social media showing the Italians singing in unison and even played their musical instrument to cheer each other up.
Italians are taking to Twitter to share videos and one video of the Italians singing to “Roar” also caught the attention of singer Katy Perry, where she tweeted, “you cannot break the human spirit. We are one in this.”
Some of the Italians decided to bring their pans and pots out to sing together too and it’s truly moving to hear all of them singing to their songs.
The Italians are still under house arrest, with the streets empty and shops other than supermarkets and pharmacies closed down as the nation faces its worst national emergency since World War 2.
Photos of nurses with their faces bruised from tightly sealed masks collapsed from exhaustion also went viral on the internet.

“We want to thank doctors and nurses,” said Elisa, one of the people clapping from the balcony. “They can’t stay safe at home as we do, they are tired and worried but they stay there, for those who get sick and need them.”
“We showed that in this hard time we can stick together,” said a reporter working at home. “We were a community, not just a bunch of individuals.”
It’s certainly heartwarming to see the Italians band their voices together in solidarity and hope that Italy and the world can be rid of the pandemic soon.
Stay updated with the latest COVID-19 news here:
Info via The New York Times
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