Joe Alwyn recently shared a hilarious yet alarming story about a childhood prank that went terribly wrong, resulting in a visit from the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police known as Scotland Yard. During his appearance on The Drew Barrymore Show, the 33-year-old Brutalist star recounted how he and his older brother Thomas unintentionally caused a neighborhood-wide panic with their mischief.
The prank began when a young Alwyn, then about eight years old, came up with the idea of writing ominous, blood-soaked letters as a joke. “I thought it would be a fun idea to prank the neighbors,” Alwyn told host Drew Barrymore. “They were prank-y, but they were of the threatening prank-y kind, and they were dipped in fake blood from a toy store. I can’t believe I’m telling this...”
The brothers took their letters and ran around the neighborhood, delivering them to unsuspecting neighbors’ mailboxes. Initially, the prank seemed like a success. “My parents got back from a dog walk, and the phone rang,” Alwyn recalled. “It was a neighbor saying, ‘Have you got one too?’ My brother and I thought it was hilarious because it was working!”
But the humor quickly turned into chaos. “The street was soon filled with the entire neighborhood in tears, screaming, and worried,” Alwyn explained. “Understandably, they had called the police, and Scotland Yard was on its way. By this point, I’m thinking I’m going to jail.”
Police cars arrived, turning the street into a crime scene as officers searched for the supposed “killer.” Alwyn and his brother eventually confessed when three officers showed up at their house. “They stood over me and my brother,” Alwyn said. “Because he’s 18 months older, he took the brunt of it. I don’t remember what the policeman yelled at me, but they… they yelled.”
During the interview, Alwyn also spoke about his approach to choosing film roles. The interview offered a mix of lighthearted nostalgia and insight into Alwyn’s impressive career trajectory, showcasing his ability to laugh at childhood antics while focusing on his creative endeavors.
Source: Entertainment Weekly
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