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Kind Train Operator Helps Pay For Ticket For Woman Who Got Lost While Jogging

She managed to get lost SIX stations away from home!
03 Jun 2020, 04:00 PM

Main image via Facebook + Women’s Running Magazine

Sometimes random acts of kindness happen that restores our faith in humanity, and this train operator helping out a woman who got lost while jogging is just one of them.


After a long period of staying home during Singapore’s Circuit Breaker period, Mandy Xinyi Chan decided to go for a 10km run one morning. Instead of going on her regular route, Mandy decided to be adventurous and try out a new path.

Unfortunately, this new path caused her to get horribly lost.

In a Facebook post she said:

“After the first 4km, I was charting on unknown territory that I had only ran once during the Standard Chartered Marathon last year. After the 4km mark, all the buildings looked exactly the same and me being me (someone who used Google Maps to navigate around school for the first 3 months during university), I got.”

What’s more? Before going on her “chill run”, she decided to leave her phone and wallet, and only had her keys with her.


“After walking in circles for 1km, I decided to approach a stranger for help,” she said. “ [The stranger said] Go straight and when you see the main road, turn right.”

“There must be many main roads ‘cause I felt I had just made 4 right turns and ended up at the same spot.”

At this point, Mandy had been going around in circles for two hours and she was desperate for something familiar. Finally, she spotted an MRT and she decided to ask for some help at the operating office.

“ ‘Hi, I need to go to XX station but I don’t have my ez-link card or my phone… I got lost while running,’’ she told the operator with a “cute sheepish smile, crossing my fingers and hoping that the operation would be able to tell me that I was nearby my place somehow and point me in the right direction.”

It turned out that Mandy had managed to get SIX stations away from her home and she had to switch train lines twice just to get home.


Instead of giving her alternate ways of getting home, the train staff decided to take a S$2 note from his wallet and hand it to her so she could buy a ticket and get home!

“Without ANY hesitation, he fished out $2 note from his own wallet and handed it to me,” Mandy wrote in her post. “I was so shocked. I though he was going to give me directions I could take to head home but NO, HE DECIDED TO GIVE ME $2 SO THAT I COULD TAKE THE TRAIN HOME.”

The operator then told her “It’s okay, Hari Raya la,” and gave her a friendly wave towards the nearest machine to buy the train ticket.

kind train operator helps pay for ticket for woman who got lost while joggingImage via Facebook

“This was more than $2 to me,” Mandy noted. “It was humanity in full blown form.”

This is definitely a jog that Mandy will never forget!

This train operator has definitely restored our faith in humanity!

Do you know of any random acts of kindness that restored your faith in humanity? Share them with us!

Info via Mothership

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