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Kitten Born With Two Faces And Three Eyes Stuns The Internet

Still cute tho
24 Dec 2017, 07:48 PM

kitten born with two faces and three eyes stuns the internetMain image via Facebook/Bettie Bee

Bettie Bee stunned her owners when she was born with two noses, two mouths and three eyes almost two weeks ago.

Bettie Bee’s mother gave birth to a litter of kittens, only Bettie suffers from craniofacial duplication or disprosopus.

kitten born with two faces and three eyes stuns the internetImage via Facebook/Bettie Bee

The young kitten is a ‘Janus Cat’, so called after the Roman god who had two faces.

Her condition makes it difficult for her to nurse. So, her owners sent her to a nearby cat rescuer to be looked after, where she is being fed through a tube, according to Newsweek.

Both of Bettie Bee’s mouths are functional and lead to her stomach. Her rescuer reports that the young kitten is doing well.

kitten born with two faces and three eyes stuns the internetImage via Facebook/Bettie Bee

Animals with this condition usually die in the womb or soon after birth. So, the fact that Bettie is thriving is wonderful and miraculous.

Article via Metro UK

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