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So, you’ve just started college, it’s a fresh start, the beginning to what is to become the best time of your life and you’ve resolved to be bolder, to not be the same person you were. But you’re not really sure where to begin. After all, life is not always so straight forward.
As a start, it’s important to remember that being bold doesn’t mean you have to be ripped – it’s not about how you look physically. Rather, it’s about choosing not to be afraid in some or all aspects of your life.
Now that that’s all cleared up, let’s transform you into a bolder person.
Repeat after us: no, no, no
As Malaysians, we like to think of ourselves as very accommodating people. Perhaps a little too accommodating. How many times have you said yes to giving a ride to someone living in Bangsar when you’re actually heading to Subang Jaya? Probably all the time, right?
Helping others is admirable, but sometimes, it’s important to say no. Other acceptable forms of “no” include: “nope”, “nah”, and “oops, a dragon ate my car”.
Go ahead and accept those compliments
Compliments are like rare Pokemons… they are, well, rare. So, when somebody pays you a compliment, gracefully accept.
A bold person is not afraid to accept compliments, and unless you asked to be complimented, you’re not being shiok sendiri. Just don’t forget to say “thank you”.
Fight the memes
Seen any of the famous Asian parenting memes on the Internet? Sure, they’re hilarious, but, not entirely made up. After all, Asian parents do have a tendency to want their kids to land high profile (and high-paying) jobs. It’s their way of caring for us and we love them dearly for that.
But, if a doctor, lawyer, or an accountant isn’t what you want to be, then don’t be afraid to chase after your dreams. It’s your future—be whatever you want to be.
Don’t be lalang in the wind
Ah the popular Malaysian habit of replying to questions with “anywhere”, “anything”, or “anytime”. We’re all guilty of this habit, which likely stems from the fear of not wanting to come on too strong.
But, it’s important to have your own opinions and even more important to be bold enough to voice them because anywhere that sells anything anytime really doesn’t exist.
Keep trying new and exciting culinary creations
From local to Middle Eastern to Mexican cuisine, when it comes to food, Malaysia is not short on selections. Despite that, Malaysians are always on the lookout for something different and exciting. Something like pickled herring, deep-fried grasshoppers, and boiled chicken embryo perhaps?

Nah, we’re just kidding, those things don’t sound very good at all. What sounds really good though is the KFC Zinger Double Down burger. No salad or buns here, the Zinger Double Down burger is just Meat. On Meat. On Meat!
Try it! All meat. No bun. Made for the bold.