Main image via Johor Foodie , FMT
Although necessary, having to buy groceries and food out alone might be hard from some. But the government is now allowing two people to go out together and to travel beyond the 10km radius!
According to the updated Federal Gazette published on April 28, the head of the family can now be accompanied by another person from the same household to go out and buy food, medicine and other essential items.

The same rule applies to Malaysians who are heading out to seek medical attention if “deemed reasonably necessary” under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Declaration of Infected Local Areas) Order 2020.
The order was signed by Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba and will be effective for phase 4 of the Movement Control Order (MCO) from 29th April till 12th May, 2020.

Senior Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob also announced that Malaysians can now travel beyond the 10km radius limit to buy food, essential items and seek medical attention.
But the minister also said that the public shouldn’t travel too far and should only travel beyond the limit with a valid reason or if deemed necessary.

"For instance, if a person needs to go to the clinic and it is 15km away from his house, that will be allowed now.”
"But he should not go to seek medical attention that is located 20km away just because we have now allowed people to venture slightly further from the initial permissible area," he said.
Ismail Sabri said the two items have been gazetted and that all the MCOs, from Phase One and to the current Phase Four have also been gazetted.

"We gazetted all the Orders because if we did not do so, then enforcement cannot be done.”
It’s certainly good that the MCO rules are slightly relaxed now but let’s try not to misuse them and take advantage of the given because anyone found flouting the regulation will still be liable to a maximum fine of RM1,000 or jail for up to six months, or both.
What are your thoughts on the new updated MCO regulations? Share this with your friends and families that are having difficulties travelling alone.
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Info via The Star , NST