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Man Bravely Saves Newborn Puppy From Drain And Reunites It With Mother

Faith in humanity restored!
29 Oct 2020, 04:00 PM

Main image via Instagram

Heroes don’t only exist in the comic universes; they exist in real life too - just minus the super powers.

Arif is one of them and he became a hero after saving a poor, helpless puppy from a storm drain.


Taking to Instagram, Arif (@arif_fiego) shared the story of how he had seen an adult dog by the side of a drain where it was making sad and sorrowful sounds.

Upon further inspection, Arif noticed that there was a newborn puppy, with its eyes still closed, in the drain and floating in the water, evidently the dog standing by was its mother.

man bravely saves newborn puppy from drain and reunites it with motherImage via Instagram

As an animal lover and ex-cabin crew member, Arif has been trained to always be ready to expect the unexpected, so he quickly ran to find something to scoop the puppy out of the drain.

Luckily, he was able to find a dustpan that could help rescue the poor drowning puppy.

man bravely saves newborn puppy from drain and reunites it with motherImage via Instagram

Arif noted that it was his wife who was taking the video and she helped to stand guard and keep an eye on the small puppy while her husband ran to find something that could help.

After a bit of a struggle, Arif managed to scoop up the puppy by lying down next to the drain and reaching out with the dustpan.

man bravely saves newborn puppy from drain and reunites it with motherImage via Instagram

When he finally managed to reach the puppy, Arif first noticed that it had stopped moving so he quickly and gently rubbed the puppy down in an effort to fully revive it.

Luckily, the puppy started moving after a while.

man bravely saves newborn puppy from drain and reunites it with motherImage via Instagram

All this time, the puppy’s mother watched the rescue effort from a distance. 

When the puppy was moving around again, Arif set it in a place and walked away so that its mother would come to take it home.

The doggo cautiously approached the puppy and once she realised that it was okay, she scooped it up and took the puppy home.


23 Oct 2020, 5.30pm: Ternampak ibu anjing ni di tepi parit dengan suara yang sedih n sayu. Bila tengok dalam parit rupanya ada anak dia yang baru lahir. Sebab mata pun belum celik lagi. Sebagai hamba Allah yang dikurniakan akal fikiran dan perasaan sayangkan haiwan memang saya terus berlari cari benda yang boleh angkut puppy tu keluar. Nasib baik la kitchen @kantin_pramugara dekat untuk ambil penyodok sampah tu. Dalam prinsip seorang anak kapal pun, kami sememangnya sudah dilatih untuk sentiasa bersedia untuk sebarang kemungkinan. Walaupun saya tak dapat aplikasikan di dalam kapal, tapi sekurang²nya saya dapat lakukannya di darat dan menyelamatkan nyawa puppy yang hampir lemas 🙏 Disclaimer: Saya ada terbaca komen n ada nitizen yang marah kenapa yang ambil video tapi tak selamatkan? • Sementara saya ambil penyodok n glove, isteri saya perlu tunggu n pantau puppy. Sebab air parit tu besar n puppy tu pulak kecik. Mungkin hilang dari pandangan mata. Kenapa saya tak lompat ambil je puppy tu? • Saya mesti mengambil kira keselamatan saya. Parit tu nampak mata kasar memang cetek tapi sebenarnya dah diselaputi lumut yang tebal n licin. • Sekiranya saya lompat mungkin saya boleh tergelincir n menyebabkan kecederaan. Mungkin juga ada objek tajam yang membahayakan. Puppy pun tak dapat saya selamatkan. • Tempat kejadian sangat dekat dengan central kitchen saya, jadi saya ambil penyodok dan glove tu kurang dari 1 minit.

A post shared by arif fiego™ ✈️ (@arif_fiego) on

Some netizens asked why the ex-cabin crew member didn’t just jump into the drain to save the puppy but Arif explained that he also needed to take his safety into account. While the water may have seemed shallow, the drain was actually covered in thick moss that would make it very slippery.

If he had jumped into the drain, Arif could have slipped and caused a whole different type of rescue mission and the puppy may have not been saved. There could have even been sharp objects!

man bravely saves newborn puppy from drain and reunites it with motherImage via Instagram

Arif is definitely the type of hero we need!

Thank you for saving the puppy! We’re sure its mother is super thankful too!

Have you heard of any rescue stories like this? Share them with us!

Info via Instagram

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