Main image via The Sun
There have been many cases of people leaving their phone to charge overnight and causing a fire, and now another case occurred when a camera battery was left charging overnight.

A family in east London lost their entire house after they left the battery charger on overnight.
The Firth family house went up in flames after the battery charger exploded, causing them to lose their home along with everything in it.

The couple and their two children narrowly escaped the fire that sparked in the middle of the night and are now warning others on the dangers of leaving electrical equipment charging overnight.
“To anyone reading this, I’m begging you, please don’t leave phones, cameras or other electrical equipment charging overnight,” she said.
“It’s such a simple thing and many of us do it but it could kill you.”

The father of the family, a photographer named Andrew, had left the battery charging and his daughter was awaken by the beeping sound from the smoke alarm going off in the middle of the night.
“The next thing I knew I was being roused from a deep sleep by the sound of something beeping. I realised Andrew was shouting at me and the smoke alarm was going off,” the wife Teila said.
“I stumbled out of bed, but it was only when I opened Fabian’s bedroom door that I realised how much danger we were in.”
“The hallway was full of black smoke, so thick I couldn’t even see the doors to the other rooms,” she added.

Fortunately, Andrew managed to grab the housepipe and doused a path in the fire and the family managed to escape.
“I honestly thought that was it, we were going to die,” said Teila.
“He ran up the stairs, grabbed Verity from her room and together the four of us made it down and out the front door, into the fresh night air.”
“Andrew was on his knees on the front lawn, retching up this vile black liquid. Verity and Fabian both had bleeding feet from running through glass as our windows shattered in the heat.”

“It took the fire brigade 90 minutes to bring the blaze under control. We watched in anguish as our beautiful home burned down.”
She revealed that the charger was new and that Andrew has plugged it in to charge overnight before heading upstairs.
“It was brand new, it had only arrived that morning,” says Teila. “He’d been woken by the smoke alarm and dashed downstairs in time to see sparks flying off the charger.”
“It happened so fast – literally within seconds the room was on fire.”
So if you have a habit of charging your electrical equipment overnight, it’s best to stop doing so because we never know how our little actions could lead to a massive disaster.
Info via The Sun