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Man Who Faked Fainting For 3 Days, ‘Wakes Up’ After Smelling Curry Beef Rice

He faked a fainting spell to avoid police questioning
15 Jul 2021, 07:00 AM

Main image via Global Times + Gastro Senses


They say that the smell of food can wake someone up from a deep sleep and there have been a few cases where this was proved true.


Previously, an 18-year-old in a 62-day coma woke up after hearing the words “chicken fillet”, and now, another man has reportedly woken up from a fainting spell after smelling some curry beef rice!




A man from Xiaogan in China’s Hubei Province was recently arrested on suspicion of fraud, but to avoid being questioned by the police, he pretended to suffer from a trauma and fake a fainting spell.


Despite doctors trying various methods to wake the man up, he stuck to his fainting and his eyes remained shut for three days until… he smelled some curry beef rice.


man fake faint wakes smell beef curry riceImage via Epicurious


According to Global Times, while he was fake fainting, the suspect had passed through philtrum pressing, catheters insertion and electrocardiogram checks but the man only gave himself up when a police officer was eating his meal of beef curry rice by his bedside.


The suspect said that the dish “smelled so good” that his empty stomach decided to rouse him from his fake faint.


The man reportedly told the police officer who was eating the meal, that the food smelled nice, to which the office agreed.


“The rice smell was very strong and spread all over the room as I was eating it,” the officer said. “Then he started moving his head and slowly got up.”


man fake faint wakes smell beef curry riceImage via Global Times


The suspect, who couldn’t resist the smell of the beef curry rice, woke up and told the police that he had pretended to suffer a trauma and faked fainting to avoid being questioned and investigated further.


The man admitted that it was the smell of the food that finally made him give up his pretense.


“I haven’t eaten for three days,” he said. “My empty stomach couldn’t bear it anymore when I smelled food around me.”


man fake faint wakes smell beef curry riceImage via Gastro Senses


There are no further reports on what happened with the suspect’s case after waking up from his “fainting” but we don’t doubt that the police officers are all over it.


What food or dish do you think would wake you up from a deep sleep, fake or not? Let us know!



Info via Global Times

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