Image via Waewkidja/Freepik
Happy New Year, everybody! It’s finally January again. Some things have changed but unfortunately, a lot remain the same.
In case you need a little reminder, the pandemic isn’t over yet. Keep your face masks on, wash your hands regularly, avoid crowded places, and stay home as much as you can.
Despite all that, this doesn’t mean that you can’t push the restart button this new year. We can still do many things with very little means! So taking notes from last year, here are some new year’s resolutions that you don’t have to cancel:
#1 Eat more greens
Recent times have shown us how important our health is to us. Although modern medical technology is at its best today, the saying “prevention is better than cure” couldn’t be more accurate. So let’s keep track of our food intake and start that #eatclean life for real this year. The greener, the better!
#2 Join a virtual workout class
It’s probably not a good idea to go to the gym now, but this shouldn’t stop you from keeping up your fitness game. With the existence of the internet, video calls, and streaming platforms, we can easily watch or attend any workout class we want. Yoga, HIIT, CrossFit, or even a 10-minute workout, just pick one and join from the comfort of your home.
#3 Start journaling
Do you remember how it feels like to write with a pen? Instead of using social media as your main outlet, penning down your thoughts is a good way to release all the positive and negative emotions you’re feeling on the inside. Think of all the things you’re grateful for that day or week, and start a gratitude journal this year.
#4 Declutter more often
We don’t want to sound like a broken record with Marie Kondo and her “spark joy” method, but getting rid of things that no longer serve any function or purpose is another way to give yourself a clearer mind and space. We’re not asking you to throw out everything in your home every month. Start with just one item a day and you’ll eventually find more things to recycle, donate or throw.
#5 Pick up a no-screen hobby
Let’s have less mindless social media scrolling this year and spend more time on hobbies that help you feel more accomplished. Put aside your phones, tablets, laptops, and TV time for once. A good idea is to start with the things you used to love doing as a kid, and it could turn into something better to help you past time or maybe even earn you some extra cash.
#6 Save more money
Speaking of cash, it’s never too early or too late to save money for the future. News of recession and people losing their jobs are taking our anxiety levels through the roof. So this year, make it a point to stash a chunk of money away as soon as you receive an income, rather than splurging unnecessarily on the never-ending online sales.
Let’s continue to focus on yourself and your loved ones this year. We don’t know how 2021 is going to pan out, but at least we have some new goals to look forward to.
Once again, Happy New Year!
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