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Petrol Station Offers Place For Community To Help Each Other With Free Essentials During MCO

The community spirit we need.
12 Apr 2020, 10:00 PM

Main image via Facebook

As we spend our days indoors to help curb the spread of COVID-19, many of us may complain that we’re bored and have nothing to do.

But while we’re bored in our houses and snacking on a seemingly endless supply of food, there are those who are struggling to even be able to buy essentials for their homes and families.

Luckily, there are people out there who are restoring our faith in humanity by doing as much as they can to help those in need.

petrol station offers place for community to help each other with free essentials during mcoImage via Facebook

A petrol station in Shah Alam is giving us all sorts of positive vibes as they have turned themselves into a small hub to help those who are less fortunate in their community.

As the Movement Control Order kicked in, the petrol station decided to play their part in helping their community by offering free essentials to those who needed it.

The food-drive was kicked off on 27th March where the station offered 500g of pre-packed rice for free.

The Facebook post read:

“To our valued community, with these difficult times upon us, we would like to help those in need who have supported us all this time. Please drop by and pick up a free bag of rice should you need to. Limited to one person per day, no questions asked.

While we have prepared a bit, we are not sure how this will work and if we can continue to be able to purchase rice. We will do our best but cannot promise that it will always be available.”

Seeing their good efforts, members of the community then came forward with their own donations of essentials for those in need.

Dubbed the “Community Table”, those who need it can now get their hands on essential items like rice, flour, sardine, salt, sugar, milk powder, and cheesy sticks.

The petrol station thanked the generous individuals and its bread supplier for their donations and asked for the awareness of this effort to be spread so that those who need essential items, may be able to get them.

If you live in the area and would like to make donations to the community table, the station noted that it is accepting non-perishables, and for items in large quantities like rice and sugar, they will be repackaged accordingly.

This is definitely the community spirit we need in these hard times! Remember to help those who are less fortunate if you can, and stay safe by staying home!

Stay updated with the latest COVID-19 news here: https://en.syok.my/covid-19

Info via Malay Mail

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