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The #TrashTag Challenge Is Restoring Our Faith In Humanity!

This is exactly what the world needs.
15 Mar 2019, 09:05 PM

Main image via Facebook

We’ve seen our fair share of viral challenges over the years, but not many of them have restored our faith in humanity like the latest #TrashTag challenge!

The new viral challenge gets people out of their homes and doing a bit of gotong-royong around their neighbourhoods.

Reportedly, this challenge has been around for a few years but it only picked up recently when Facebook user, Byron Román posted on the social media platform. He encouraged “bored teens” to do some good with their time.

He shared before and after pictures of himself taking on the #TrashTag challenge and said, “Here is a new #challenge for all you bored teens. Take a photo of an area that needs some cleaning or maintenance, then take a photo after you have done something about it, and post it. Here are the people doing it #BasuraChallenge #trashtag Challenge, join the cause. #BasuraChallengeAZ

Since then, the challenge took over the internet!

Speaking to Time, Byron said, “When teens get bored, that’s like the worst thing you can ever have – actually, any person bored. So I thought maybe someone will pick up the challenge and do something positive about it… We’re all in this together.”

People around the world have not only enjoyed participating in the challenge but also take pride in serving their communities as well! Many have taken an interest in the challenge and encouraging those around them to do so too.

Now this is a challenge that’s definitely restored our faith in humanity! Would you take on the challenge?

Info via People

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