Main image via ask fm + Facebook
We all have a bantal busuk that we will never be ashamed and these bantal busuk have travelled and lived with us for many, many years and if we could, many of us would never get rid of it.
But have you ever wondered what’s happening underneath/inside your bantal busuk? This guy did and the results might just shock you to your core.
Image via ask fm
Facebook user, Cygig, from Singapore decided to put that theory to test by cutting into his 11-year-old bantal busuk.
“I love latex pillow and prefer them to memory foam ones,” he said. “I used this one for around 11 years, and eventually lumps grew inside. I decided to buy a new one and cut the old one open to see what’s inside. I then observed the lumps and threads under a microscope lens with a 476x magnification (at 72dpi).”
Image via Facebook
And the results of that “operation” was definitely eye opening.
From 11 years of use, the bantal busuk may be brown on the outside, but it’s the inside that has us fascinated/grossed out.
Proceed with caution.

Images via Facebook
“The lumps seemed to be homogenous with very little details even up close,” he said. “My drool and sweat seemed to have ‘marinated’ the fabric and latex very well. I’m not saying this is lousy pillow, as 11 years is a long time for a pillow and I sweat a lot even when I sleep in an air-conditioned room.”
Image via Facebook
We definitely never even thought about what was inside our bantal busuk… But, at least we know now. Maybe it’s time to send our bantal busuk for a wash after seeing these pictures…
Have you ever wondered what was in your bantal busuk?
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