UPDATE: The baby crocodile that was spotted in the Shah Alam Lake has finally been found!
The official Facebook account of Media Selangor posted a statement today to inform the public that the crocodile - thought to have been abandoned by irresponsible owners, has been captured.
Crikey! What an adventure this baby croc has had! We hope it’s in safe hands now! [END OF UPDATE]
Imagine going for a jog or a stroll along a lake, and suddenly spotting a crocodile right in the middle of it!
According to the Selangor Department of Wildlife and National Parks (PERHILITAN), a baby saltwater crocodile was spotted at the Shah Alam Lake in Section 14.
Image via YouTube
Although the baby crocodile does not pose a threat, PERHILITAN director, Abd Rahim Othman, has advised the public to take caution when spending time at the lake.
The director believes that irresponsible individuals released the crocodile into the lake.
“I am confident some irresponsible people have released the reptile into the lake. However, investigations are ongoing and so far, the crocodile has yet to be captured,” he said.
Initial investigations have found that the Shah Alam Lake is not connected nor does it have any direct channels to any major rivers in the state. Therefore, it’s close to impossible that the baby crocodile found its own way into the lake.
The “MBSA (Shah Alam City Council) has also informed the kayak and boat operators to temporarily suspend water sport and activities at the lake until the reptile is captured,” said MBSA Corporate and Public Relations head, Shahrin Ahmad.
So if you’re planning to visit the Shah Alam Lake, be careful!
Info via The Star
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