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If you love Batman, you’d probably have had dreams of owning your very own Batmobile.
One guy from Vietnam made his dream a reality by building his very own life-sized, fully functioning Batmobile.

After watching The Dark Knight, Vietnamese college student Nguyen Dac Chung decided that he would build his very own Batmobile.
“I was so impressed with the car and I fell in love with it the first time it appeared in the movie,” he told VICE.
Inspired by the highly acclaimed movie, the 23-year-old student started designing his own Batmobile last year and it took him 10 months to complete the replica.
According to reports, it cost Nguyen more than $21,700 (RM89,292) to bring Bruce Wayne’s iconic ride to life.
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With the help of some teammates, the Hanoi-based architecture student built the replica that is 3.6 metres long, 2.6 metres wide, and 1.5 metres high.
According to VNExpress International, the vehicle can travel on a straight road at a maximum speed of 100 kilometres per hour, and it can seat two people comfortably.
And just like the Batmobile in the movie, the doors lift open like wings!
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But of course, building the Batmobile wasn’t easy…
“I had to reconstruct the 3D part of the car and then separate the kit parts to assemble the exterior. That is to make the frame and electric lines, install the tire parts, the car’s details,” Nguyen shared, adding that finding parts for the car was a struggle and he had to import some components for the United States and South Korea.
Nguyen also admitted that he felt like giving up at times.
“Yes, I [was] very tired sometimes and [wanted] to give up many times, but every time I want to give up, I think back to the reason I started to get motivated,” he said. “I am really happy to see my brainchild… I am proud of it because of the difficulties I overcame.”
And Nguyen’s not stopping just yet. The student shared that he is currently still working on the Batmobile but he already has plenty of other projects in mind.
We’re super impressed at Nguyen’s hard work and determination to make his own Batmobile!
Have you ever been so inspired by a movie or series and decided to re-create something from it? Let us know!
Info via VICE