Main image via Info Roadblock JPJ/POLIS / Facebook
Often times we see someone struggling and not all of us will voluntarily help them to avoid the trouble, but this driver proves that we still have some faith in humanity.
A video recently went viral showing a Malaysian driver getting out of her car after seeing a struggling makcik by the roadside and decided to help her out!

The woman can be seen approaching the elderly in the wheelchair and offering to help her before she pushed the makcik to her car.

She then helped her get into her car and proceeded to fold up her wheelchair and put it in the back seat before possibly helping her get to the location that she wanted to go!

The viral video was said to have happened in Triang, Pahang and many netizens are praising her for her kind actions!
“Humanity is beautiful. The world needs more people like you,” one user said.
Many other Malaysians also said that she's inspired them to help one another, no matter our race or religion.
Some also jokingly said that not all Myvi drivers are road bullies and there are kind people driving them too and thanked her for giving others a more positive impression on Myvi drivers.
It’s definitely inspiring to see Malaysians help each other out no matter how little the action might be because it might mean a lot to the person you’re helping!
Have you even seen other Malaysians helping each other that touched you? Let us know!
Info via Info Roadblock JPJ/POLIS
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